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Spot Markets Live lives!

TBS Blog

Thanks to the good folks at Coodash (and a much deserved shout out to Graham Halliday for his work on this) The Blind Spot now has the tech functionality to run a live markets chat.

For the next few weeks or so, however, we will be operating in Beta testing mode.

In time, the Coodash system will be embedded directly into the TBS website. But for now we are living on the Coodash platform.

We ran our first trial session on Monday at 11am featuring Neil Collins, the co-host of “A long time in finance” and former City editor of the Telegraph.

Due to limited bandwidth, however, we will only be hosting the session once a week for now. The sessions will take place on Monday at 11am and participants will need an invitation code. When we ramp up and/or get funding, we will expand to a more frequent service. Transcripts will be posted on the TBS website.

If you are interested in being part of the beta test community, do email [email protected] with “Spot Market Live Invitation Request” in the title.

We are capping the participation level at 100 for now, but this will be expanded as we grow.

Today’s trial transcript follows below. Yes, we know the format is painful. This is a temporary glitch. Future transcripts will be more readable. For now, we haven’t included participant comments due to it being a trial and not everyone involved necessarily being aware their comments would be published more widely. If you participate in future, pseudonyms will be available.

Spot Markets Live – 13/06/22



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