Where finance and media intersect with reality


Open Spot

It started as the Blind Spot development Telegram chat but it’s now become the Blind Spot Discord community. Click here to join the community.

These are the rules of engagement:

  • The Blind Spot’s “Open Spot” Discord community is about generating actionable intelligence that can be used in financial markets. It is not about following the party line. It is about seeing through both white and black propaganda to try and understand the signal.
  • I want people to differentiate analysis from loyalty. A dispassionate view is essential to help people not lose their shirts.
  • Open Spot policy is to discriminate against anyone who is simply cheerleading escalation for escalation and adrenalin’s sake. The Blind Spot is not about fanning propaganda of either side. It’s a neutral zone for gathering quality intelligence.
  • Our coverage doesn’t represent The Blind Spot’s or anyone else’s political leanings. We have to differentiate between explaining what is going on in the info war – for that is what it is – to anything to do with loyalty.
  • Broad dehumanisation of any side will not be tolerated. We are all losers in war.
  • Open Spot is not the chat for anyone with a belligerent or disruptive attitude. You will be ejected if we sense you trolling people or winding people up. (This is not to be confused with censorship btw! Alternative perspectives are welcome but they must be presented in constructive and civil ways. We are diplomats now.)
  • It shouldn’t be sacrilegious to analyse information in a cool headed way and consider what “our side” is getting wrong or not seeing.

The do’s:

    • Do invite those you think will be worthwhile contributors.
    • Do avoid spam.
    • Do let me know if you can help me with setting up a Discord chat (contact me on [email protected])
    • Do feel free to summarise the events of the last 24 hours, just flag that you’re doing so to ensure work is not doubled up.
    • Do think about the stories beyond the obvious ones or what is being buried in the news dumps of the day.
    • Do be mindful of libel.
    • Do flag to what degree a piece of news is verified or circumstantial.(Potentially with some sort of classification system.)

The don’ts:

  • Don’t lose sight of everyone’s humanity.
  • Don’t act like a douche.
  • Don’t assume everyone in the chat thinks like you do.

The Spot Exchange Channel

This is where members can share research and other insights in an exclusive financial professional community. To sign up to The Blind Spot’s “Spot Exchange channel” please follow these steps:

1) Join The Blind Spot community first here. (This is very important as without this step we can’t add you to the channel.)

2) Fill out the below form, including the user name you are using on the Blind Spot server.

3) You will receive an email asking you to confirm receipt. Please reply confirming receipt.

All applications are handled manually so don’t be surprised if you don’t hear back immediately — though we do aim to review all apps within 7-10 days.