I’m afraid the Blind Spot Telegram OSINT chat has descended into anarchy. We will be migrating to a better organised alternative very shortly.
In the interim, JC has waded into the chaos to bring you what signal is left. Big hat tip to you kind sir!
The theatre of war:
- How realistic are Russian demands for Ukrainian ‘demilitarisation’ in the context of Finland in the Cold War and post-1940s Japan.
- How the pro-Putin mind works.
- Do Russians control lots of territory?
- Or just a lot of main roads? ots of territory?
- How the Americans think it’s going (1) Council of War.
- How the Americans think it’s going (2) The DoD.
- An optimist (unless you’re Russian) spotted in the wild.
- Some cool wheat market/data visualisations.
- But the forward curve in wheat is collapsing into unprecendent backwardation.
- The Kremlin loves lefty useful idiots.
- Kenya says irridentism is understandable but wrong.
- China and Russia are now best buddies. Or are they?
- Shoygu or Shoy-coup, a thread that tells the tale of how a Russian general was possibly turned.
- Ukraine asks ICANN to disconnect Russia from the internet.
- Nuclear operators beg Russian troops to stop shelling the area.
That’s the best of it, but be mindful none of the above is verified. If anything can be quickly debunked please do so in the comments. The first casualty of war, etc…