Spotlight on the emergence of noble gas spot markets

The second of our deep-dives into the noble gas market, this time focusing on market structure issues and the potential for the emergence of a viable spot market.
Running on diesel fumes and other commodity crunch stories

The diesel situation is dire. What policymakers seem to be missing is that it’s not just the market’s capacity to provide for today that is under stress. It’s also the market’s capacity to build inventories in the traditional inventory-building season. I am on the run a lot until Saturday (in Poland), but I thought I […]
WW3 Watch: The commodity fallout the market is yet to pick up on

Two days before Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, on February 22, I took part in a conversation with Stefano Marani, the CEO of Renergen, a compressed natgas, helium and LNG producer. Here’s what he told me: