Where finance and media interesects with reality.

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Democratic Congressman Stephen Lynch on Monday released a legislative proposal for the US Treasury to compete with the US Fed on digital dollar issuance for broad public use. The architects of the proposal say this is the best way to protect the privacy of potential digital dollar users and to prevent a CBDC-panopticon from coming into force in the economy.

In a Blind Spot first, I led a LIVE (and experimental) chat with Rohan Grey, of Willamette University, one of the advisors to the proposal, which also featured a far-ranging panel of relevant commenters with opposing or varying views. These included:

  • Robert McCauley, a veteran central banker and economist with 13 years collective experience at the New York Fed and the BIS, and now an associate in  the faculty of history at the University Oxford.
  • Roger Bass, CEO at Global Standard, another CBDC challenger network.
  • Nick Margerison, radio presenter and former LBC host.
  • Brett Scott, author of the Altered States of Money newsletter.

Here’s the full video:

What I wasn’t expecting was the early stage intervention of my four-year old daughter. So apologies for that! Also my production skills leave much to be desired I know. The good news is that now I have learnt how to use the system properly, the next one should hopefully go more smoothly (she says optimistically).

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One Response

  1. The problems seems to lie in that immense grey area in between cash (that everyone understands) … and the Euro$ (that no one understands).

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