Where finance and media intersect with reality


Rise of the Military Industrial Complex Influencers

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It’s becoming clear that the influencer economy is not just transforming the art of marketing - it is transforming everything. Latest estimates from social media analytics firm Social Shepherd project that the influencer sector will grow to around $15bn by the end of 2022, versus a mere $1.7bn in 2016. This growth applies to far more than just macro influencers likes the Kim Kardashians and Paris Hiltons of this world.

Want to sell exclusive jewellery? Focus on private accounts held by influential socialites with comparatively small followings; the 'quiet influencers'.

Are you after active and personalised audience engagement? Focus on the world of micro-influencers, i.e. those ranging from 3,000 to 100,000 followers, who unlike macro-influencers have the bandwidth to reply to those they follow. Want to market a complex hair dye? Well, if the Kardashians are too expensive, target their hair stylist instead.

Perhaps you're scared that an influencer might run amock with your brand? Don't worry. Today there's an entire cottage industry of bespoke influencer screening services. These ensure your influencer (and their social media footprint) uphold the corporate values you hold so dear.

And Now the Military Wants a Piece of the Influencer Action Too

Given the high precision efficiency of influencer marketing, clearly, it was only a matter of time before the military-industrial complex took notice.

For those not in the know, here's what the US government's efforts to create t...

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