That time I met Klaus Schwab in my gym kit

A moderate defence of Davos and a title that is clearly designed to shamelessly generate clicks.
Start-up diary: 9½ weeks later

This is the first installment of my start-up diary. It’s not actually been 9½ weeks, as per the title. More like 3½ months. But if I count it from the time I started selling subscriptions, that’s roughly right. So I will stick to the title for “da saucy clicks” anyway. So here goes… And apologies if […]
Twitter’s weird metrics

Ever since Elon Musk’s bid for Twitter was accepted, the social media site has been ablaze with rumours that the company is already making changes to how users and information are handled on the site. Many claim shadow bans have been lifted. Others say previously filtered or constrained feeds have been liberated, and others still […]
Democracy’s ‘Anacyclosis’ blind spot

Last week The Blind Spot featured a satirical news report from the scene of Caesar’s assassination in 44 BC. It was a lighthearted attempt to generate interest in a theory close to The Blind Spot’s heart: that of Anacyclosis. But it’s not just a flight of classical fancy on our part. We genuinely consider the […]
WW3 Watch: Can we trust in benign Western paternalism?

There’s a lot going on today. More than any one brain can process quite frankly. We are all going to be stunned with too much information flow and I don’t want to add to the noise. But I think there are a few important points that need stressing to do with hybrid information war and […]