The Blind Spot podcast: Episode 3 with Frances Coppola
We would have had another episode of the podcast out sooner, but Junseth got taken out for a few weeks with Covid. But finally, we’re back! In the latest edition of the Blind Spot podcast we are joined by Frances Coppola, nocoiner extraordinaire and occasional director of epic films about the mafia. (Not really on […]
Rationist No. 4: An independent middle class is the sine qua non of democracy
This is the fourth in a series of essays by Tim Ferguson, founder of the Anacyclosis Institute, arguing in favour of Rationism, a middle-class-oriented political theory that advocates benchmarking the national economy against the national median household net worth. Izabella Kaminska has also described Rationism as Vitruvian Capitalism, based on its promotion of the values […]